Good human relations and appropriate and loving behavior stem from persons who have strong feelings of self-worth. Simply stated, persons who love and value themselves are able to love and value others and treat reality appropriately. Having a strong sense of self-worth is the way to become more fully human, to having health and happiness, […]
I’ve been so hurt in relationships, how can I ever trust again?
It can be very painful when a relationship that was important to you ends. Perhaps you feel angry, betrayed, scared, frustrated, misunderstood, or sad. The pain often feels very intense. It may be accompanied by self-doubt, questioning, depression or anxiety. When you are feeling the pain, you might withdraw – or you might desperately search […]
Is Counselling A Bad Word?
Have you ever heard someone say, “Counselling is for people who are crazy or weak. You should just be able to get over it and get on with your life.” or “What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you just forget about what happened?” In reality, it takes a lot of courage to admit that you […]
Do you feel like you never get any time for yourself?
Do you feel like you always give, give, give and never have time to recharge your batteries? Do everyone else’s needs take priority and, being last on the list, your needs never get addressed? No one can fix this except you! You need to decide that your needs are important, and that you can’t keep […]