Release the Pain and Turmoil Caused by a Traumatic, Abusive, or Disturbing Experience
Therapy Can Help Heal the Root Causes of Your Suffering
If you have even a hint that your problems are caused by a traumatic event, troubling childhood, or abusive experience, you have come to the right place.
The disturbing or abusive event may be in the past or could be happening to you right now.
Problems you might be experiencing:
- You’re stressed or anxious or depressed
- You feel you are never going to be good enough
- You have symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), e.g. flashbacks, nightmares, are easily startled, or have difficulty sleeping
- You are currently being or have been mistreated (emotionally, physically, or sexually)
- You feel isolated, alone; no one understands your struggles
- You have chronic health issues that are exacerbated by your problems (e.g. digestive issues, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headaches)
- Your relationships are unsatisfying, difficult or painful
- You’ve been marginalized, judged, or bullied as an LGBTQ2S person
If you have experienced a difficult life, trauma or abuse, you may feel helpless at times.
You may wonder if you will ever feel “normal.”
You may have seen therapists in the past. Maybe it helped some. Maybe it didn’t.
It’s discouraging to suffer for so long.
You desperately want to feel good and enjoy your life.
I encourage you to never give up hope because…
It is Always Possible to Turn Your Life Around and Feel Good About Yourself
With the help of an experienced therapist who works with people who have long-term struggle and pain, you can have the life you want.
It doesn’t matter how long you have suffered.
It doesn’t matter how exhausted you feel.
It doesn’t matter if you feel hopeless right now.
With time, a strong willingness to have a better life, and my help, it’s possible to get to where you want to be.
I’ve helped people find relief from trauma-related symptoms for over 20 years.
I am a skilled counsellor trained in some of the most effective methods of counselling.
I am a compassionate therapist who provides a sense of safety to help you take the steps needed in order to heal. As a lesbian woman I understand the struggles involved in being in a minority group. I also understand the trials and tribulations of intimate and family relationships.
Moreover, I am connected to the LGBTQ2S community and I have great compassion for those who have been stigmatized due to the sexual orientation or gender identity.
Through Therapy, I Can Help You:
- Find relief from troublesome symptoms that are holding you back in your life
- Have happier and healthier relationships
- Feel calmer and sleep better
- Have more joy in your life
- Feel stronger and more confident
- Have a life that feels easier where you are free to heal and grow
Imagine what it would be like to wake in up in the morning feeling refreshed and energized. You can be eager to start your day.
You can feel more “lightness” in your life.
Any problems you encounter will feel manageable. You’ll have the sense that you’re strong enough to get through them.